
338.Counting Bits

Tags: Medium Dynamic Programming Bit Manipulation

Links: https://leetcode.com/problems/counting-bits/

Given a non negative integer number num. For every numbers i in the range 0 ≤ i ≤ num calculate the number of 1's in their binary representation and return them as an array.

Example 1:

Input: 2
Output: [0,1,1]

Example 2:

Input: 5
Output: [0,1,1,2,1,2]

Follow up:

  • It is very easy to come up with a solution with run time O(n*sizeof(integer)). But can you do it in linear time O(n) /possibly in a single pass?
  • Space complexity should be O(n).
  • Can you do it like a boss? Do it without using any builtin function like __builtin_popcount in c++ or in any other language.


0    0000    0
1    0001    1
2    0010    1
3    0011    2
4    0100    1
5    0101    2
6    0110    2
7    0111    3
8    1000    1
9    1001    2
10   1010    2
11   1011    3
12   1100    2
13   1101    3
14   1110    3
15   1111    4

除去前两个数字0个1,从2开始,2和3,是 [2^1, 2^2) 区间的,值为1和2。而4到7属于 [2^2, 2^3) 区间的,值为 1,2,2,3,前半部分1和2和上一区间相同,2和3是上面的基础上每个数字加1。再看8到 15,属于 [2^3, 2^4) 区间的,同样满足上述规律

class Solution {
    vector<int> countBits(int num) {

        if (num == 0) return {0};
        vector<int> res(num + 1);
        res[0] = 0, res[1] = 1;
        int k = 1, i = 1 << k;
        while (i <= num) {
            int left = 1 << k, right = left << 1;
            int mid = left + ((right - left) >> 1);
            int half = (right - left) >> 1;

            while (i < mid) {
                if (i > num) return res;
                res[i] = res[i - half];

            while (i < right) {
                if (i > num) return res;
                res[i] = res[i - half] + 1;

        return res;


class Solution {
    vector<int> countBits(int num) {

        vector<int> res(num + 1);
        res[0] = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= num; ++i) {
            if (i & 1) res[i] = res[i >> 1] + 1;
            else res[i] = res[i >> 1];

        return res;

解法三:巧妙的利用了 i&(i - 1), 这个本来是用来判断一个数是否是2的指数的快捷方法,比如8,二进制位 1000, 那么 8&(8-1) 为0,只要为0就是2的指数, 那么我们现在来看一下0到 15 的数字和其对应的 i&(i - 1) 值, 每个i值都是 i&(i-1) 对应的值加1

i    binary '1'  i&(i-1)
0    0000    0
1    0001    1    0000
2    0010    1    0000
3    0011    2    0010
4    0100    1    0000
5    0101    2    0100
6    0110    2    0100
7    0111    3    0110
8    1000    1    0000
9    1001    2    1000
10   1010    2    1000
11   1011    3    1010
12   1100    2    1000
13   1101    3    1100
14   1110    3    1100
15   1111    4    1110
class Solution {
    vector<int> countBits(int num) {

        vector<int> res(num + 1);
        res[0] = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= num; ++i) {
           res[i] = res[i & (i - 1)] + 1;

        return res;